Friday, April 08, 2011

Pictures of the Family and New Family Member

The first few pictures are from Heidi's birthday party, and it was so cute when the little boys jumped into the photo session the girls were having to show off their cute dresses.  The look on Lu's face is priceless!!! It's like excuse me what do you think you are doing here! :) 

Tom, Heidi, Sammy, Ali, Luthein, and Mason

Heidi wanted stars on her birthday cake

Heidi posing for her first shots as a four year old.  She did all the posing on her own.  I did not direct her a bit! My little Ham :)

Madison and Heidi....a love hate relationship right now. 


Mason, my handsome little man


This was Madison's birthday castle cake.  She turned 7 on March 10th.

Her birthday dinner of macaroni and cheese and hotdogs!

Chad and Emma wrapped Maddie's gum in tons of paper and tape and it made them all laugh histerically!

Our friend C and the littles playing rock a bye baby!

1 comment:

Mrs. Zwieg said...

Thank you for sharing these pictures! Your new puppy is SO cute and what adorable children you have! Congratulations on such a happy family! :)