Friday, July 29, 2011

Swim Lessons for Heidi and Mason

Heidi started out in level one for her first set of swim lessons, but was clearly ready for level 2 and so for the second set she moved up and really did a great job at swimming.  She just needs to combine her kicking and arm movement to move up to level I guess we will be working on that a lot.  I figure the faster we can get her to the swim team the better (so much easier on scheduals!).  Mason just started level 1 for the first time and he did a great job, swimming with someone other than mommy!  He had so much fun being in the water, and it is so hard to sit and watch Emma and Madison swim everyday.  Now it is finally his turn!!!  He did a great job, just not so ready to jump into the water to someone else.  He is only 2 and a half and normally the start age is 3, but since he is potty trained and listens so well they let him start early.  Yay for us :) 

I threw one in of Madison on the swim team :)

Mason didn't want to jump off the diving board so he tried to go off the ledge.

Heidi had no problem jumping off the diving board!

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