Thursday, October 21, 2010

Driving from Boise, ID to Hermiston, OR

Today we woke and started to pack for the next leg of our trip.  We ate breakfast, I went for a walk with my aunt, and Chad started the kids on their schoolwork.  At 12:30 we loaded the last of our belongings into the car and we headed out for lunch with our friend Sarah, who is from Alaska, but is now working in Boise.  After lunch we all jumped in the car and the kids settled in for a nap.  The drive has been nice, with a warm breeze whipping through the car.  The grass is brown and the trees are a bright array of gold, orange, and red.  Mason is awake and he is yelling COWS every time we pass one, which as you can imagine is quite frequently! J  Farm land is dotting the countryside.  As we are nearing the little towns of Echo, Stanfield, and Hermiston I am remembering a time long ago when I used to live here and all the fun I had!  Here are the pictures from our drive to Hermiston.

an old cement plant

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